Chromatrap Provide a Wide Range of DNA Purification Methods and DNA Purification Kits
Chromatrap provides a wide range of DNA purification methods and DNA purification kits. According to Chromatrap, “Depending on your tissue or cell samples, you can use a chemical treatment, enzymatic digestion or mechanical disruption to lysate the DNA. Removing contaminants from the nucleic acids and using a suitable buffer solution to precipitate the samples will aid the purification of the DNA. ” Chromatrap recommend considering different criteria if you are trying to determine which purification method is the best for your DNA sample. The requirements could be anything from the source organism and starting material to the target nucleic acid, downstream application and, of course, the desired results. There are also several genomic and plasmid DNA purification products designed to make the isolation process less time-consuming. These are suitable for a wide array of routine molecular biology applications, including high throughput screening. Chroma...